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Nashville, TN

Tenwek 2025

This month, we have again traveled to work with our Kenyan partners in caring for children struggling with life-limiting heart disease.  Families are traveling as well, often over hundreds of miles and across neighboring African nations, seeking help for their loved ones.  The financial burden to these children and their families can be crushing; between travel, lodging, and hospital bills, costs can far exceed the average annual income of just over $6000 USD without assistance.  Surgery is just one step in the journey to recovery for a child debilitated by life-threatening heart disease.  With your help in years past, Hearts of East Africa has been able to defray over $100,000 USD in costs to families; as our visit unfolds this month and beyond, we ask that you keep these families and their children struggling with heart disease halfway around the world in your thoughts and prayers… and if you are able, please consider making a tax-deductible donation here that will go to alleviating the financial burdens these families face as they seek care for their child in need. 

Peace and goodwill,

Hearts of East Africa

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