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Nashville, TN

Supporting Us


Thanks to your contributions since 2012, Hearts of East Africa Inc. has contributed over $100,000 directly to the hospital care of children and young adults with heart disease.  To make an online, tax-exempt cash donation to continue to support our efforts to care for children and young adults of East Africa with heart disease, please click here to donate.  

 Hearts of East Africa, Inc. is a nonprofit organization and tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN 383865644).  Hearts of East Africa, Inc. is an entirely volunteer-run organization.  Operating expenses account for less than 5% of our net assets for FY2023.  

Other ways to support us

Amazon Registry: Click here to help us with the non-medical supplies used to support our patients and families through their hospital stay and beyond this coming Febraury!   

Amazon Smile:  AmazonSmile is an automatic way for you to support Hearts of East Africa every time you shop with Amazon, at no cost to you.... When you shop at, you'll find the exact same prices, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Hearts of East Africa! 

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